I'm Possible – Westchester, NY, USA
40 people (6 – 70 years old) from a Jewish Renewal Community in Westchester, New York came together to say “I’m Possible”! The objective of the Human Sound session was to bring the younger and older generations together through the exploration of the festival of Hanukkah and the creation of music.
The theme of the night was “I’m possible” – stories were told about overcoming seemingly impossible adversity – a key theme of Hanukkah; experiences where the impossible could become I’m/possible!
The stories told inspired the sound making: For exmaple the session was started by forming a circle and moving around the circle as one. The sound generated from this circle dance was recorded and formed the beat of the song. We then sang and laughed and danced the song together.
[srizonfbalbum id=3]
No one would pass to me
A girl named katarina said she could not be my friend because my mum was black
It was snowing, windy, rainy, the weather was brutal.
I was a new snowboarder.
I had to choose from apple pie and blueberry pie.
I’m Possible
They threw the ball to me and I made the touch down
And it took her three days before she finally told her mum and she did
I would have had to walk back so I kept running.
I told myself, you can do this
I had thought it the whole entire night.
I chose this cooky which was left on the table.
I’m Possible
I felt much better
I made it exhausted but happy I was done
I found her sitting there calmly vomitting
I ate it and I felt bad. I gave it away and she enjoyed it.
I like candy!
I’m Possible