Gold Hearted People – Gympie, QLD, Australia
Gold Hearted People (360 Degree Video – use your mouse to scroll around) – Gympie, QLD, Australia from The Human Sound Project on Vimeo.
Welcome to The Gympie Voice Project, proudly a significant part of the G150 celebrations. Gympie is 150 years old this year and such longevity deserves recognition at all levels.
On June 16th 2017, approximately 60 people gathered in the auditorium of the Australian Institute of Country Music to create music that celebrated and promoted the cultural and social diversity of Gympie as it is understood a century and a half after the town’s foundation.
The project will was led by staff from the Sydney based Human Sound Project who brought to Gympie experience gained in their running of such projects world wide. By the end of the day, a series of videos were created culminating in a music video featuring the participants of the project singing and moving to the lyrics and music they created.
The resultant song was not only be experienced by the 60 participants in the project. It is planned to perform the song from the stage during the Gold Rush Festivities, encouraging the crowd to be part of the performance.